
Getting values from external XML file into flash:

Step1: Create new flash document

Step2: Right-click first frame and select actions

Step3: Paste the below code in first frame

var xm:XML = new XML();//creating XML object
xm.ignoreWhite = true;//white spaces will be discarded
xm.onLoad = function() {//function will be call when xml file data loaded into xml object
trace(this.firstChild)//indicates node and child nodes of it
trace(this.firstChild.childNodes[0])//displays the child nodes of the first child alone(under node)
trace(this.firstChild.childNodes[0].childNodes[0])//displays the child nodes of the alone
trace(this.firstChild.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].firstChild)//displays the nodevalue of the alone

xm.load("sample.xml");//loading the xml file data into xml object

Step4: save the file as example.fla

Step5: Create xml file (may be notepad and change extension from .txt to .xml)

Step6: Paste the below data in XML

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Step7: Save under the same path where flash file is (file name: sample.xml)

Note: name of the xml file and path is more important

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